Title: Alliance for a Net Positive Performing Arts Sector
Programme: KA2 – Erasmus+ Cooperation Among Organisations And Institutions Partnerships for Innovation: Alliances – Lot 1: Alliances for Education and Enterprises
Region: Europe
Acronym: INSPIRE
INSPIRE strives for upscaling the green, the digital, entrepreneurial, soft and resilience skills of existing and prospective performance production managers, set designers, artistic and stage directors, facilities managers and stage technicians of the Performing Arts Sector, and to upskill VET and HE professionals in a holistic and innovative way, so as this sector to act as a driver and as an enabler of sustainable development in Europe and beyond. Its goal is to uplift innovation through the strategic cooperation and flow of knowledge among 3 higher and vocational education and training centres and 8 labour market actors in 6 European countries, active in the Performing Arts Sector.
Start Date: 01/01/2024
End Date: 31/12/2026
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Title: Sustainable Tourism Innovation Through Hybrid Project Management – HyPro4ST
Programme: KA2 – Erasmus+ Cooperation Among Organisations And Institutions Partnerships for Innovation: Alliances – Lot 1: Alliances for Education and Enterprises
Region: Europe
Acronym: HyPro4ST
HyPro4SD Alliance for Education and Enterprises offers an innovative and holistic approach to educating and supporting existing and prospective project managers and other professionals and students that are working in the sustainable tourism industry, aimed at boosting innovation through the cooperation and flow of knowledge among higher education, vocational education and training and enterprises, through a 3-year effort, linking project partners from 6 European countries, active in the sustainable tourism sector. It also seeks to increase their skills, their sense of initiative and entrepreneurial mind-set. HyPro4SΤ aims at advancing the project management skills, the digital, the green, the business and the creative skills of existing and prospective project managers of the sustainable tourism sector, alongside with upscaling VET and higher education trainers skills in advanced sustainable, digital, project management, entrepreneurial and educational methods, through the design, development and delivery of modular, micro-learning based vocational curricula on sustainable and hybrid Project Management, as well as transversal-soft skills, directly responding to the skills needs identified by existing research evidence.
Start Date: 01/07/2022
End Date: 31/06/2025
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Title: Sustainable Tourism Innovation Through Hybrid Project Management – HyPro4ST
Programme: KA210 – ADU – Erasmus+ Small Scale Partnerships
Region: Europe
OPENWORK aims to foster inclusion, diversity and integration in the workplace, by offering innovative learning opportunities to HR trainers and entry and mid-level managers, so as inclusive organizational cultures to be formed, that bring a sense of belonging and value to their workforce, while organizational objectives are being met.
Start Date: 15/4/2022
End Date: 14/4/2024
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Title: Small and Medium Farm Holders as Agents of Sustainable Change in Agriculture and Society – Farm4SD
Programme: KA220-VET – Cooperation Partnerships in Vocational Education and Training
Region: Europe
Acronym: Farm4SD
Farm4SD aims at developing a holistic, innovative and inclusive approach to farmers’ and especially to medium and small farm holders’ training on the pillars of the sustainable agriculture –The Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development, EU Green Deal, From Farm to Fork and Biodiversity Strategies and the new CAP – combined with entrepreneurial and soft skills, so as farmers and C-VET educators to upskill and reskill, in order to become true factors of change and contribute to environmental protection, to the sustainable growth of our planet and to rural development.
Start Date: 01/03/2022
End Date: 01/09/2024
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